It is not legal to buy a passport anywhere. You are, however, able to obtain Citizenship By Investment in more than a dozen countries worldwide. Doing so means that you become eligible to apply for the respective country’s passport with ease.

Here are at least two countries that allow you to pay for your Citizenship By Investment (read: “donation”) using BTC:

  1. El Salvador: El Salvador’s so-called Freedom Passport Program offers a fast-track path to a Salvadoran citizenship and passport for you, your spouse, as well as your children under the age of 18. The non-refundable donation requirement for the program is US $1 million in either BTC or USDt. Your contribution will help fuel El Salvador’s economic renaissance program and national growth.
  2. Serbia: Whilst Serbia doesn’t have a formal Citizenship By Investment Program, eligible contributions to their Citizenship By Exception Program can be made in Bitcoin. Eligible program contributions are typically priced from €250,000 (or more). Get in touch for more information regarding the acceptable payment methods.