Turkish Golden Visa Program 2025: Is This The World’s Most Underrated Plan B?

The Turkish Golden Visa, often confused with the Turkish Citizenship by Investment (CBI) program, is a Residency By Investment (RBI) program for foreign nationals who invest in Turkish property valued at $200,000 or more.

Unlike the CBI program, which offers a direct path to Turkish citizenship, the Turkish Golden Visa grants residency, allowing investors and their families to live in Turkey. Crucially, the program gives you the right to live in Turkey – but not the obligation to.

Given that the Turkish CBI was repriced to just $250,000 in 2018, the Turkish Golden Visa program was pretty much ignored – that is, until the program minimum real estate investment requirement was raised again – to $400,000 – on May 13, 2023.

The Turkish Golden Visa can lead to Turkish citizenship, provided that you live in the country pretty much permanently for a period of 5 years. But unlike with the Turkish CBI Program, where citizenship applications typically take 6-8 months,  the process of applying for citizenship as a Golden Visa holder (via naturalization) can take up to 2-2.5 years.

In practice, however, the majority of Golden Visa holders don’t move to Turkey, but instead opt to stay in their home country and keep their Turkish residency permit as a back-up option

The last couple of years have seen numerous Golden Visas and Citizenship By Investment programs shuttered – including those of Cyprus, Montenegro, Ireland, and the UK.

And now, in mid-September of 2024, politically connected industry insiders in Istanbul are reporting that the Turkish Citizenship By Investment Program’s days, too, may be numbered as well. (As reported, too, by various media outlets during late 2023.)

While official information on the program’s potential closure has not been forthcoming, it is reliably understood that the Turkish authorities are considering shuttering the program in 2025. And also, that if the program is not terminated, a price increase from $400,000 to $600,000 cannot be ruled out.

But whichever of these two possibilities come to pass, the Turkish Golden Visa program will stand to benefit.

Below, we unpack the program’s investment requirements and process, as well as the pros and cons of the Turkish Golden Visa (AKA the Turkish Residence Permit By Investment Program):

Let’s get into the program details below…


Minimum Investment Requirement: $200,000 (Real Estate)

Popular Turkish Golden Visa Investment Locations: Istanbul, Bodrum, Antalya, Izmir, Ankara

Minimum In-Country Stay Requirement: None

Application Timeline: 3 Months (Residency cards issued 30-45 days after property is acquired)

Restrictions On Type Or Location Of Property: None

Residency Permit Validity: Maximum 2 Years

Minimum Property Hold Period: Ongoing (In order to keep Turkish residency renewable)

Pathway To Turkish Citizenship: Yes

Timeline To Turkish Citizenship (By Naturalization): 5 Years +

Turkish Passport Power: Visa-free travel access to 115* destinations, including Argentina, Japan, Malaysia, Panama, Serbia, South Africa and Uruguay  (*Including eTA and visa-on-arrival countries)

Dual Citizenship Recognized: Yes


Why add Turkey to Plan B residency permit portfolio?

Turkish Citizenship By Investment vs
Turkish Residency By Investment

Key Program Aspects Turkish Citizenship By Investment (CBI) Program Turkish Golden Visa Program (AKA Residency By Investment)
Minimum Capital Requirement $400,000+ $200,000+
Application Approving Entity Applicable Ministry (differs based on type of investment)
Current Application Process Duration 7-8 months 2-3 months
Local Language Proficiency Requirement No No
Minimum In-Country Presence Requirements No No
Non-Refundable Government Donation Required No No
Direct Path To Turkish Citizenship Yes  No (5+ Years of residency required)
Minimum Property Hold Period 3 Years Ongoing (for as long as you wish to keep Turkish residency, OR until you obtain Turkish citizenship).

The Turkish Residency By Investment Process At A Glance

Note: While working with a lawyer is not mandatory, it is highly advisable to avoid any delays or costly missteps…

Why Choose To Work With Us?

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Let our seasoned legal team in Istanbul and Bodrum guide you through every step of the Golden Visa process.

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If you’re looking for a Turkish immigration law firm with impeccable credentials, then look no further.

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Our team on the ground takes great pride in making clients’ application journey as fast and seamless as possible.

Secure your Turkish Golden Visa by property investment in just 2-3 months. Properties priced from only from $200,000. Contact us to get started today.

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