Countries Offering Citizenship In The National Interest (2025)

What is exceptional or honorary citizenship, which countries offer it, and how can I get it in 2025?

Have you ever heard of an olympic athlete or star footballer from a developing country gaining citizenship in a European country? Chances are that they were naturalized – i.e. granted citizenship there – in what is referred to as the “national interest”.

A large number of countries around the world – including the likes of Germany, Serbia, Qatar, Austria, Belgium, France, Italy and Ireland – have immigration laws enabling them to grant citizenship to foreign nationals who can make an exceptional contribution in the fields of science, education, culture, sport, or society.

And in some instances, significant financial support of projects in these areas can also serve as the basis for exceptional naturalization.

Countries offering Citizenship By Investment (CBI) Programs tend to have specific legislation defining the precise requirements for granting fast-track citizenship to foreigners on the basis of either a significant donation or investment.

Typically, these laws, in combination with detailed regulations and guidance, define the specific investment requirements, stipulate governmental response times to applications, and specific which nations are eligible to apply.

This level of specificity and formalization creates a predictable application path for foreign applicants, and offers applicants with peace of mind.

In contrast, Citizenship By Exception protocols are typically quite broadly defined. The governments offering these pathways to citizenship tend to enjoy a large amount of discretion in terms of whom they will naturalize, and on what grounds.

In order to qualify for citizenship in the natural interest, you’ll typically require the support of either the country’s prime minster, president, or a parliamentary committee dealing with these matters.

And as mentioned, while significant government donations and/or investments have served as the basis for naturalizations in the national interest on countless occasions, this type of contribution to a country’s national interest is just one of the many reasons a government may choose to grant citizenship to a foreigner.

Their reasons for naturalizing foreigners on this basis may also shift based on their national priorities at the time.

Which is to say, with a Citizenship By Investment Program, provided that you are eligible to apply, and you make the required investment, you are virtually guaranteed to be granted citizenship.

Whereas with honorary citizenship programs, citizenship by exception programs, as well as protocols government the granting of citizenship in the national interest, a far greater amount of government discretion applies.

Let’s take a look at some of the most prominent countries offering pathways for naturalization in the national interest below…

Serbian Citizenship By Investment 2025 (Exception Based Route)
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Czech Republic (Czechia)
North Macedonia
San Marino
United Kingdom
Country X


Get in touch to find out more about countries where investments and/or donations towards the public good can lead to citizenship by exceptional naturalization.

Countries With Pathways To Citizenship In The National Interest

As well as the supporting immigration legislation for each of these countries…

  1. Albania: Under the Law on Albanian Citizenship, Article 9 allows for the acquisition of citizenship by persons who have special scientific, economic, cultural, and national interest for the Republic of Albania.
  2. Austria: The Austrian Citizenship Act (Staatsbürgerschaftsgesetz), Section 10(6), permits the granting of citizenship without the usual requirements if the federal government certifies that the applicant has provided or is expected to provide exceptional services to the Republic.
  3. Belarus: According to the Law on Citizenship of the Republic of Belarus, Article 14 allows for citizenship to be granted by exception to individuals who have rendered significant services to the state or possess professions or qualifications of state interest.
  4. Belgium: The Belgian Nationality Code, Article 19, provides for naturalization by the federal parliament for individuals who have demonstrated exceptional merits in fields like science, sports, or culture, contributing to Belgium’s international standing.
  5. Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Law on Citizenship of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Article 11, permits naturalization by exception for individuals whose acquisition of citizenship is of particular benefit to the country, such as economic investment or cultural contributions.
  6. Bulgaria: The Bulgarian Citizenship Act, Article 16, states that citizenship may be granted to individuals of special merit to the state in economic, cultural, or other public spheres, following a proposal by the Minister of Justice and approval by the President.
  7. Croatia: The Croatian Citizenship Act, Article 12, allows the government to grant citizenship to individuals whose naturalization is of interest to the Republic of Croatia, often due to significant contributions in various fields.
  8. Czech Republic (Czechia): The Czech Citizenship Act, Section 16, allows for granting citizenship without standard requirements if it is in the state’s interest, such as contributions to science, education, culture, or society.
  9. Denmark: Danish citizenship can be granted by royal decree or parliamentary decision in exceptional cases, often involving individuals who have made significant contributions to Danish society or culture. Specific legislative provisions are not publicly detailed.
  10. Estonia: The Estonian Citizenship Act, Section 10(6), permits naturalization by exception for individuals who have provided notable services to the state, with decisions made by the government on a case-by-case basis.
  11. Finland: The Finnish Nationality Act, Section 18, allows for discretionary citizenship to individuals with special merits or whose naturalization is considered to benefit the country, such as significant cultural or economic contributions.
  12. France: The French Civil Code, Article 21-19, allows for naturalization by decree for individuals who have rendered exceptional services to France or whose talents are deemed beneficial to the nation
  13. Germany: The German Nationality Act (Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz), Section 8, allows for discretionary naturalization if there is a public interest in the naturalization, even if some requirements are not met.
  14. Greece: The Greek Nationality Code, Article 13, provides for honorary naturalization for foreign nationals who have rendered special services to Greece or whose naturalization serves the country’s best interest, granted through a Presidential Decree upon a proposal by the Minister of the Interior.
  15. Hungary: The Hungarian Citizenship Act, Section 4(7), allows for preferential naturalization for individuals of Hungarian descent or those who have rendered outstanding services to Hungary, with expedited procedures in such cases.
  16. Ireland: The Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act, 1956, Section 12, allows the Minister for Justice to grant a certificate of naturalization to an applicant in cases of Irish associations or if deemed in the public interest.
  17. Italy: The Italian Citizenship Act, Article 9(2), allows for naturalization by decree for individuals who have rendered exceptional services to Italy or if there is an exceptional interest of the State, with decisions made by the President of the Republic.
  18. Latvia: The Latvian Citizenship Law, Section 13, allows for citizenship to be granted by exception to individuals who have provided significant contributions to Latvia, such as in culture, science, or sports, upon approval by the Cabinet of Ministers.
  19. Liechtenstein: Liechtenstein may grant citizenship by exception in rare cases, typically involving individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to the country or when significant national interests are at stake. Specific legislative provisions are not publicly detailed.
  20. Lithuania: The Lithuanian Citizenship Law, Article 20, permits naturalization by exception for individuals who have integrated into society and whose naturalization is in the state’s interest, with decisions made by the President.
  21. Luxembourg: The Luxembourg Nationality Law, Article 7, allows for citizenship to be granted by exception to individuals who have rendered eminent services to the Grand Duchy or whose naturalization is deemed in the national interest, upon approval by the Grand Duke.
  22. Malta: The Maltese Citizenship Act, Article 10(9), provides for citizenship by naturalization for exceptional services by direct investment, allowing individuals to acquire citizenship based on significant economic contributions to the country.
  23. Moldova: Moldovan Citizenship Law, Article 24: This clause allows for citizenship to be granted by exception to individuals who have provided distinguished services to the state or whose naturalization is considered in the national interest. The decision is typically made based on the President’s discretion, often after reviewing recommendations from the government.
  24. Monaco: Monegasque Nationality Law, Article 7: This clause allows for citizenship to be granted by Sovereign Ordinance in exceptional cases, typically for individuals who have made significant contributions to Monaco, such as economic, cultural, or scientific achievements. The Sovereign Prince may approve naturalization after considering the individual’s ties to Monaco.
  25. Montenegro: Montenegrin Citizenship Law, Article 10: This clause allows for naturalization by exception for individuals whose admission to Montenegrin citizenship is of special interest to the state, especially those contributing to the country’s economic, social, or cultural spheres. The decision is made by the Montenegrin government after evaluating the applicant’s merits and state interest.
  26. Netherlands: Dutch Nationality Act, Article 8(3): In exceptional cases, the Netherlands can grant citizenship even if standard requirements are not met, particularly for state or other important interests, such as economic, diplomatic, or international considerations.
  27. North Macedonia: North Macedonian Law on Citizenship, Article 9: The government may grant citizenship by exception to individuals who have provided exceptional services to the country or whose naturalization is in the national interest, such as for investments, expertise, or other contributions beneficial to the country.
  28. Norway: Norwegian Nationality Act, Section 9: Norway allows for exceptional naturalization in cases where an individual’s presence or naturalization is in the country’s interest, often involving highly skilled professionals or individuals making significant cultural or economic contributions.
  29. Poland: Polish Citizenship Act, Article 12: Citizenship may be granted by the President of Poland to individuals who have rendered special services to Poland or whose naturalization is in the national interest, including individuals who contribute to the country’s development or international standing.
  30. Portugal: Portuguese Nationality Law, Article 6(7): Naturalization by exception is possible if the individual has made relevant contributions to the cultural, economic, or social development of Portugal. This is typically done by a decree from the President, based on the government’s proposal.
  31. Romania: Romanian Citizenship Law, Article 10(1): Citizenship may be granted by exception to individuals who have made exceptional contributions to the Romanian state or whose naturalization is considered to be in the national interest, such as economic, scientific, or cultural contributions.
  32. San Marino: San Marino Citizenship Law, Article 6: San Marino grants citizenship by exception in cases of special merit, including individuals who have contributed significantly to the country’s development in economic, scientific, or cultural fields.
  33. Serbia: Serbian Citizenship Law, Article 13: Serbian citizenship can be granted by exception to individuals whose naturalization is deemed to be of national interest, such as for investment, economic contributions, or other services to the country.
  34. Slovakia: Slovak Citizenship Act, Section 12(4): Citizenship may be granted by exception to individuals who have rendered outstanding services to the Slovak Republic or whose naturalization is deemed to be in the national interest, based on a proposal from the government.
  35. Slovenia: Slovenian Citizenship Act, Article 11: Slovenia allows for the granting of citizenship by exception to individuals who have provided significant contributions to the state or whose naturalization is considered to be in the public or national interest.
  36. Spain: Spanish Civil Code, Article 21-19: Spanish citizenship can be granted by naturalization decree to individuals who have provided exceptional services to Spain or whose contributions in areas like science, culture, or economic development are deemed beneficial to the country.
  37. Sweden: Swedish Citizenship Act, Chapter 11, Section 1: Sweden permits exceptional naturalization in cases where the individual’s naturalization is of special interest to the state, including individuals who have made outstanding contributions in fields like science, culture, or economics.
  38. Switzerland: Swiss Citizenship Law, Article 38: Swiss citizenship can be granted by exceptional procedures to individuals who have made significant contributions to the country, such as in culture, science, or economics, as determined by the relevant authorities.
  39. United Kingdom: British Nationality Act 1981, Section 4A: The UK grants citizenship by exception in cases where an individual’s naturalization serves the national interest, often including those who make significant contributions to the nation, such as in the fields of business, culture, or science. The Home Secretary has discretion in these cases.These provisions grant flexibility for the countries listed, allowing for the naturalization of individuals who contribute significantly to national interests, often based on contributions in cultural, scientific, economic, or political fields.

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